Wednesday 12 December 2012


  Have you ever met someone that you think is absolutely brilliant and amazing in a totally platonic way? You admire the person so much and really want to be friends with them and when you're friends with the person, it's the best thing ever. Getting to know said person is even greater because you realise that they've know you for ages and said person has also always wanted to be friends with you and has a high esteem of you. It's that brilliant feeling when you admire someone because you're just in awe of how beautiful and intelligent they are, both inside and out and said person is also a true gentleman.
   Few people have evoked such strong emotions in my sister Tai and I and they are so humble that if they read this, they probably wouldn't believe that it was about them. Our friends don't understand our feelings and they are convinced that we 'fancy' these people but that is not the case at all. In fact, we both have very cynical views on relationships but that's a post for another day.

   My mum taught me to be wary of people when I was growing up, so contrary to what this post might lead you to believe, I actually don't take well to people and there are few people that I genuinely like. So, to the people that have inspired this post, talking to you brightens our day, and to us, you are A-OK!

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