Saturday 10 August 2013

Things I Don't Like

   I'm grumpy. I am grumpy because my family is living it up on holiday and I won't be going away until the end of August. I am grumpy because I'm tired all the time nowadays. So, instead of wallowing in my bad mood, I thought I'd rant as one is overdue and I'm now going to channel all my grumpy energy into a post on things that I don't like/ things that irritate me.

1) I don't like pretentious people/ snobs. It really really bugs me when some people assume that they're better than others because of the school that they go to, usually if they're grammar or private school students. Not really.

2) I don't like it when people use grammar incorrectly/ punctuate excessively. The your/you're, there/their/they're, defiantly/definitely, except/accept, should of/ should have mistakes are just a few examples that baffle me as to how people could get them wrong.

3) I don't like bugs. As it's summer, 'tis the season for insect galore and they really creep me out. However, I count my blessings with the fact that instead of bugs, there could be rats and I am absolutely petrified of them due to an awful childhood experience.

4) I don't like fake friends/ hypocrites/ liars/ rude people. With me, I can confidently say that what you see is what you get. For example, if I dislike someone, I won't go out of my way to befriend the person and then say horrible things behind his/ her back, unlike some people that I know...Also, from my Nigerian heritage, I have been raised to always respect my elders. So, it really angers me when people my age are rude to their parents/teachers/ elders in general.

5) I don't like it when people compare me to my sister. Although we're identical twins, we are two very different people with differing life objectives.

6) I don't like mangoes. Just the smell of them makes me heave. I've only had them twice in my life and I've been sick both times so I might be allergic to them actually...

7) I don't like it when people swear unnecessarily. There are so many nice words in the English language. Why not use those instead?

8) I don't like to be late to things. Ever. Some call me KEENny for this. The fact that my phone time is nearly half an hour faster than normal time to avoid me being late for things is probably evidence of my keenness.

9) I don't like it when peoples' children scream all the time. Sure, I love kids. However, especially in public places/ when others are trying to rest, learn to control your wailing lil' monsters, parents.

10) I don't like it when people don't try hard in school then they blame their failure on their teachers. Nah, mate, it's you, not them.

11) I don't like angry atheists. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. If you choose not to believe in religion/ God, that's your own decision. However, that doesn't mean that you should insult/ undermine the people that do believe (coughRICKYGERVAIScough).

12) I don't like boastful people. Modesty is the best policy...or is that honesty? Either way, stop bragging and tooting your own horn.

I'm feeling less grumpy after that. That's it for now, I guess. Dinner is calling me and I am starving but if more things irritate me, I shall definitely add them to this list. Kenny out.

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