Monday 15 September 2014


  'Scandal' is everything. I want to be a gladiator in a suit. I want Olivia Pope's fashion sense. If these three sentences mean nothing to you and you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry, I'll explain.

  'Scandal' is an American political thriller television series created by Shonda Rimes, the writer of the critically acclaimed 'Grey's Anatomy'. It stars Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope, a Washington D.C based crisis manager  with her own firm, 'Olivia Pope & Associates'. Pope is also the 'White House fixer', and it is her job to solve problems and scandals (hence the title) that the political elite face, in order to protect their public images. Pope's team (or 'gladiators in suits'), ex-CIA pro hacker Huck (Guillermo Diaz), judgemental but lovable litigator Abby Whelan (Darby Stanchfield), fast-talking lawyer Harrison Wright (Columbus Short) and new recruit Quinn Perkins (Katie Lowes), are all very loyal to Pope as she 'fixed' problems for all of them in the past and with their help, she is an unstoppable force and the best 'fixer' in Washington. Interesting fact: the lead character of Pope is loosely based on Judy Smith, who served as George H.W. Bush's Deputy Press Secretary and who also represented Monica Lewinsky in the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.

  However, Olivia Pope has her own problems: her past. Before she started her own business, she was the White House Director of Communications and her close relationship with the married President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III (Tony Goldwyn), who she helped with his presidential campaign was not (and still isn't) innocent. What do you get when you add an affair to election rigging, assassination attempts, blackmail attempts, bombs, conspiracy theories, family dramas, and pregnant White House interns? An incredible television drama that leaves you on the edge of your seat with your mouth agape!

  It's not only the fantastic writing and crazy plot twists that make 'Scandal' the thrilling watch that it is. Kerry Washington truly shines in the lead role with her spot on efficiency and line deliveries, whilst also emitting class and elegance- the lady sure can work the colour white! (Another interesting fact: a clothing line has just launched that is inspired by Washington's outfits in 'Scandal'). The other cast members are also exceptional and the show seems to have everything from humour and wit to heart quickening romance and action.

  But that's still not why I like 'Scandal' so much, The show amazes me because even though Kerry Washington is an 'African-American woman in the lead role of a prime-time television series', the colour of her skin is not her defining feature on the show. In 'Scandal', Olivia Pope is not 'Olivia Pope, the African-American woman', she's just Olivia Pope, a very intelligent woman that is the best at her job. I wish all of society could be this post-racial in real life, with all POC being recognised first for who they are and their skill sets, rather than the colour of their skin.

  I could go on and on about why this show appeals to me so. I could continue to praise Olivia Pope's strong character and day-dream about how I want a Jake Ballard (Scott Foley) in my life (swoon). I could even rant about why Olivia's relationship with the President really irks me (he doesn't deserve you, Olivia!!), but I don't want to give away too many juicy plot details.

  Watch 'Scandal'. Really, I mean it. If you don't like it, that's fine. If you end up loving it like I do, that's fine as well. The show has its flaws like all great things do and I might do another blog post about them. However, right now, I'm going to retire and continue with 'The Becoming Olivia Pope Plan' with my Nokia Lumia 925 and my growing collection of white blazers. I'll work up to the heels and white coat.

Rating- 8/10

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