Tuesday 10 September 2013


   This shall be brief. Yesterday, I decided to sever ties with some people. Why? I'll explain. Someone recently told me that there's no point wasting your time trying to be friends with people if they don't try back. It is also a waste of time chasing after these people when there are others who genuinely value your friendship and are willing to give you the time of day.

  Friendship is a two way thing. One person should not have to try harder than the other to make it work. Friendship is easy. In fact, it should be as effortless as breathing. Your friends should make you happy. You shouldn't have to be constantly worried that they don't like you or that they are saying things about you behind your back. I've made excuses for these 'friends' of mine for years and I've let them off the hook for various things that 'bestfriends' shouldn't do to one another. But I'm going to university in less than a month and I guess I just got fed up of the fake friends that I'm surrounded with. I decided that cutting ties with them would be best for a fresh start and for my own peace of mind. It is also one step towards removing negativity from my life.

  My decision might seem a bit extreme and sudden and yes, I did have some doubts about doing it. However, the messages that I got back from these 'faux amies' reassured me that I was doing the right thing. It's such a relief now to know that the friends I have now are genuine and I look forward to all the new people that I'll meet at university.

  To you, reader, I'll end by saying this; don't put up with being treated second class by those that you think are your 'friends'. You deserve better. Real friends are there for you no matter what and they don't hold grudges about little things like giving you a lift from time to time. If your current friends make you feel like crap, find new ones. They're out there, trust me.

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