Monday 16 December 2013

I survived!

  Michaelmas term ended on the 7th of December and I am now home for the holidays! I survived my first term at university, thank God and
huzzah! Although I've been home for over a week now, I feel like my holidays have only just begun because one of my tutors set an essay that was due in the first week of the holidays (absolute nightmare!). So, I slaved over that for a few days and was hugely stressed, despite being home and term being over. However, I finished the essay and sent it on Friday and now I can relax. (I'm choosing to ignore the fact that I have over ten books to read for next term, excluding secondary reading, and collections, which are tests at the start of each term to revise for for now.) There's no rest for the wicked as I'm back at work and panto season is absolute madness but it's great to be back with old work pals.

So, what have I learned in my first term at uni?

1) It is possible to do Freshers' Week completely sober and you can still have sooo much fun.

2) Procrastinaps are amazing and they can get you through the day and stressful situations.

3) I am most productive in the early hours of the morning/ working in completely darkness with headphones in and my hood up, completely blocking out the world.

4) I now dislike songs such as Avicii's 'Wake Me Up' and Jason Derulo's 'Talk Dirty' due to the fact that they were wayyy overplayed during Freshers' Week.

5) I can survive and be my own person without my twin sister (even though it was a very weird experience at first). I've always thought that the fact that I'm cheerful and chipper most of the time is because my sister's always been there by my side, to laugh at my poor jokes and be weird with me. But at uni, I realised that I'm like this by myself and my sister is as well.

6) Access is a very touchy subject for me, something that I strongly believe in and that I will work at improving whilst I'm at university.

7) I'm still a massive keeno; the KEENny nickname has reached university.

8) My university is not as snobby as I was lead to believe; I've met so many great people that are from state schools, independent schools and public schools that I hope to be friends with for a long time.
And so on.

I'm already missing uni (the people, definitely not the workload aha) but I am glad to be home and I'm also glad to be reunited with my favourite people. Shout out to my bestfriend, Rosie, who is currently travelling the world on a gap yah and still takes the time to read my blog. Love ya, Chicken, and missing you lots and lots. I hope to watch more films and do more reading so that I can review stuff on here like I used to but we will see. Cheerio for now.

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