Wednesday 6 November 2013

Woah, we're halfway there...

 Guess who's baaaack and halfway through the term!
    Apologies for my month long absence from here; I have truly missed blogging. University is a completely different world! Everything here seems to be happening all at once as the terms are only eight weeks long. So, I'm incredibly busy all the time. I'm loving it sooo much though! I definitely made the right choice.

  What have I been up to that has kept me away, you ask? Well, I will tell you. I proved that you can do Freshers' Week COMPLETELY SOBER and I had so much fun at a toga party, a paint party, a foam party etc. Some parts of the week are a blur as I barely slept due to the fact that I usually got to my room late and I had to be up at 8am every morning for breakfast. I signed up for too many societies at Freshers' Fair (got guilt-tripped into signing up for the African Caribbean Society, the Nigeria Society AND the Africa Society) so now I get about twenty emails a day that I don't know how to unsubscribe from. The societies that I have chosen as my faves are ACS, The French Society, The Christian Union (they helped me find a very lovely church that's less than five minutes from my college!) and the student paper. Next term, I will explore more! I matriculated and that was such a surreal experience that was made even more weird by the fact that tourists followed us around all day, papping us as we were in sub-fusc. I am on the college Netball team and we play a match a week so that's how I get my weekly exercise. I also have 'formal hall' three times a week, which is a three course meal that is served in a candlelit hall after The Grace is said in Latin and everyone is wearing a gown. Another really weird but fun experience. I am also a student tutor and I'll be going into local schools to teach French to primary school kids and that should be very fun. Last but not least, I got to see John Mayer speak at The Union which was very, VERY cool!

 Everyone here is incredibly friendly and welcoming and I was totally taken aback by it all. I'm really loving my course as well. It's like doing an English degree but with French texts. I'm also doing French film studies which is very interesting but now I can't watch a film without analysing its camera shots and angles! I have a tutorial every two weeks, which is myself, another student and my tutor. It's a bit scary as we have to read out our essays and the tutor often stops us, picking things apart that she doesn't like/wants us to explain better. But constructive criticism is always good, even though I sometimes feel incredibly stupid next to a tutor that has written books on what I'm studying!

  I went home for the weekend last week and it was so great to see my family. As cheesy as it sounds, there really is no place like home! Being home and just relaxing made me realise how hard I've been working here. I've already written six essays this term and by Week 8, I'll have written nearly sixteen! Crazy.
   So, that's been my hectic month at uni! I will try to write in here once a week if I can. Maybe I'll talk on the books and films that I'm studying. There's an idea but aurevoir for now, have some pictures from my hectic month.
Film Studies- L'Atalante

The Ashmolean Museum

Essay Crisis 1

Essay Crisis 5

The Radcliffe Camera
Fancy Freshers' Dinner

The 'Glink' aka the dungeon of my dark despair


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